Modular automation for high intensity applications

Our groundbreaking innovation lies in the moving tile, revolutionising storage into a dynamic, intelligent and instantly actionable system.

Every item can be moved concurrently and immediately. At the core of our solution is the data layer, acting as the ‘organising mind’ and providing AI driven warehouse automation.

VersaTile embeds, real time, actionable AI into every SKU. Enhancing system performance and reliability while offering unparalleled flexibility. With parallel movements and responsiveness to demand. Uniquely scalable and flexible our system is configurable to address diverse logistics challenges.

VersaTile system can be built into either 2D or 3D configuration and adapted 
to existing infrastructure. The technology brings unique benefits both as a standalone and complementary to existing automation solutions.

Every VersaTile system comprises a set of tiles which allows items to be moved and sorted using sophisticated algorithms.

There are two VersaTile products: Matrix for totes in a 3D configuration and Grid for pallets and cages in 2D space. Matrix and Grid share the same software platform and AI engine.

VersaTile Matrix

VersaTile Matrix is a
multi-layer tiled system for
tote sortation, sequencing
and presentation.

Tote sorting and sequencing

VersaTile is an efficient way to sort and sequence totes. This can be used in a variety of applications and can optimise overall system performance, driving down costs


Efficiently decouples process allowing end to end optimisation with dynamic buffer

High intensity picking

VersaTile is an excellent solution for rapid picking, in applications such as e-comm. With high presentation rates and no need for advanced planning, huge savings can be made with increased pick rates

pick walls–system augmentation

VersaTile can be used as a put wall – efficiently presenting order containers to optimise batch pick. This radically improves the efficiency of the overall system, driving down the capital outlay and cost per pick

Stand-alone fulfilment

VersaTile can be configured for stand alone fulfilment solutions. It enables rapid unplanned delivery of goods to a picker in a dense configuration, fulfilling up to 3x as many orders as a manual operation in a given space

Versatile grid

VersaTile Grid is a tiled system
for cage, dolly and pallet
sortation, sequencing
and presentation.


VersaTile’s unique sorting and sequencing capabilities, combined with the dense configuration, make it ideal for cross docking applications, in which rapid sorting is needed in minimal space

Grocery grid pick

The efficiency of VersaTile reduces space needed by about 50% as well as reducing pick labour by about 50%


VersaTile’s sorting and sequencing capabilities make it ideal for marshalling applications in which cages / pallets need to be sorted with little notice and delivered to an incoming trailer

VersaTile advantages

A warehouse automation revolution is underway, but too many projects are not delivering the results.

VersaTile technology key design criteria has been simplicity, easy of integration, fast adoption and easy of use.

It is designed to be used in existing operations without a need for special infrastructure, adaptable to and around existing limitations.

VersaTile is low-risk fast return on investment automation.

Collaborative solutions

We are passionate about delivering excellent solutions and work closely with customers to design, model and deliver solutions to meet their needs

Reduced risk of Adoption

Modular, scalable and adaptable to existing space without the need for expensive groundworks or structural changes. Installation in days, not months. Fast IT integration based on standard API interface

Reduced risk of operation

Simple operating interface

No technical training needed

for operation

Robust solution – no single
point of failure

AI/Data advantages

Adaptable to changing conditions in real time to deliver in high frequency dynamic environments

AI enabled self learning, self healing, using tried and tested technology

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