Why versatile

Unique automation to radically improve efficiency

Consumers expect to be able to look at, touch and feel an item in store, compare prices among various retailers online, order it and have it delivered to a location of choice at a time that’s convenient to them. This consumer behaviour and the ever increasing growth of eFulfilment are driving the demand for flexible and agile supply chain solutions.

VersaTile is a highly responsive and flexible automation system that delivers market leading pick rates and unrivalled storage density, for high intensity logistics applications.

Its uniqueness lies in the ability to move every item in real time and concurrently, creating a dynamic material handling system where every location is an active cell.


The VersaTile system can be built into either a 2D or 3D configuration. Technology brings unique benefits both as a standalone solution or as a complementary to existing automation solutions


Modular and scalable, VersaTile can be installed in existing space without the need for expensive groundworks or structural changes and has 
a simple API for integration

Operational improvements

50% space reduction

2 - 3x increase in pick and presentation rates

Rapid access to every SKU

Rapid ROI​

Fast installation and easy
IT integration

Easy to operate

Investment payback typically less than 2 years

AI enabled automation

Integrated processing power
in every location puts real time actionable AI into every SKU

Real time Machine Learning driving continuous improvement

“The VersaTile solution is really unique in terms of what it offers. It's modular, scalable, and flexible, and the AI algorithms give incredible speeds
for retrieval.”

Scott Merrick, Product Direction, Automation and Robotics, Wincanton PLC

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